To prevent lead hazards and lead poisoning by ensuring that Rhode Island rental properties are lead-safe.
What we do
- Coordinate lead hazard mitigation with the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded programs to make units with children under the age of six and pregnant women lead-safe.
- Provide technical assistance, planning, and education for lead hazard reduction throughout Rhode Island.
- Focus our work on lead-based paint hazard reduction and improving the Rhode Island housing stock.
- Educate the public about various lead hazard reduction programs that are available throughout Rhode Island.
- Increase the number of rental properties with a Certificate of Lead Conformance.
- Decrease the rates of lead poisoning in Rhode Island.
Information about Certificate of Lead Conformance requirements for rental properties
Property owners and landlords have a responsibility and legal obligation to protect tenants from lead exposure. The Lead Hazard Mitigation Law requires owners of all* rental properties built before 1978 that are not exempt to get a Certificate of Lead Conformance (CLC). Learn more about CLCs and owner requirements.
To get a CLC, the Property Owner or Designee must:
- Request a lead inspection from a licensed Lead Inspector;
- Read Everything Landlords Need to Know About Lead Hazard Mitigation Inspections to learn more the inspection process.
- Fix any lead hazard within 30 calendar days if the property fails inspection; and
- Have the property reinspected by a Lead Inspector to issue a CLC after hazards have been corrected.
Information about financial resources to help fix lead hazards is included below. The CLC must be renewed every two years.
If the tenant has not changed, property owners can submit an Affidavit of Completion of Visual Inspection application instead. Learn more about the affidavit process in the Information about other lead certificates section below.
Exempt properties include:
- Rental units with a Full Lead-Safe or current Conditional Lead-Safe Certificate;
- Temporary, seasonal housing rented no more than 100 days in a calendar year to the same tenant; and
- Housing designated for residents age 62 or older.
*The owner-occupied exemption was removed as of June 19, 2023.
Financial resources for property owners and renters
- There is a Rhode Island personal income tax credit of up to $5,000 per dwelling unit for money spent to correct lead hazards. For the Residential Lead Abatement Income Tax Credit Form RI-6238, go to Personal Income Tax Forms | RI Division of Taxation and select the RI-6238 form.
- Providence Revolving Fund offers a variety of home repair programs in many areas throughout the State. All programs have income guidelines. Programs are available for 1-4 unit properties. Learn more form the Providence Revolving Fund.
- City of Providence - Lead Safe Providence Program provides loans to help make properties “lead-safe”. Loans for owner-occupied homes are forgivable after 3 years; loans for non-owner-occupied properties are forgivable after 5 years.
- City of Woonsocket - Lead Hazard Reduction Program is aimed at reducing the risks associated with lead paint in homes and residential units. Households must meet the following criteria to be eligible: properties must be built prior to 1978, residents must meet income requirements, children under 6 must reside at or frequently visit the home, property must be current on taxes and water/sewer bill. Loans awarded by this program are 100% forgivable after 5 years.
- Contact your city/town for more information on local home repair programs
- RIHousing LeadSafe Homes Program – The LeadSafe Homes Program provides assistance to remediate lead-paint based hazards inside and outside of the home. In most instances, this assistance is free, and is available to both single and multi-family properties statewide. More information on the program can be found at leadsafehomesri.com, and applicants can apply online for assistance. Both property owners and renters are encouraged to reach out to RIHousing staff to learn more at leadinfo@rihousing.com.
Information about other lead certificates
Affidavit of Completion of Visual Inspection: A Certificate of Lead Conformance (CLC) is valid for two years. If the tenancy is two years or more, the Owner or Designated Person may attend a three-hour Lead Awareness Class and then conduct a visual inspection to determine if lead hazard mitigation compliance was maintained. If the property is still in compliance, the Owner or Designated person can complete or submit an Affidavit of Completion of Visual Inspection application.
Within 30 days of the visual inspection, the Affidavit of Completion of Visual Inspection application (Affidavit) must be completed and notarized. The notarized Affidavit is valid for two years or until unit turnover, whichever period is shorter. The Owner must keep the CLC and any Affidavits for a minimum of five years.
The Affidavit can be downloaded in English and Spanish. Please send the Affidavit with copies (not the original) of the following required documents:
- Evidence of completion of three-hour Lead Awareness Class,
- Certificate of Lead Conformance, and
- Any previous Affidavits of Completion of Visual Inspection.
Please email the application and documentation to doh.leadprogram@health.ri.gov or mail to Rhode Island Department of Health; Lead Hazard Mitigation Program; 3 Capitol Hill, Room 206; Providence, RI 02908
Presumptive Compliance: Property owners who own ten or more residential rental units on one property may apply for a Certificate of Presumptive Compliance covering all of the units in a multiunit complex. Properties must meet certain requirements to be able to apply. Use the Is My Property Eligible for Presumptive Compliance? (Spanish) document to help you determine if you can apply.
To apply for a Certificate of Presumptive Compliance, at least 5% of the rental units and no less than two units must pass a Lead Hazard Mitigation Inspection performed by a licensed Lead Inspector. At least 90% of the inspected units must pass the initial Inspection to receive a Certificate of Presumptive Compliance.
Complete the Presumptive Compliance Application and submit one Certificate of Lead Conformance for each unit that passed inspection as well as proof of corrections if previously cited for Minimum Housing Code Violations.
Certificates of Presumptive Compliance are valid for two years.